Past Perfect Continuous Tense की अवधारणा (Concept of Past Perfect Continuous Tense)

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Past Perfect Continuous Tense की अवधारणा (Concept of Past Perfect Continuous Tense)


इस लेख में हम अंग्रेजी के एक महत्त्वपूर्ण अध्याय के बारे में जानेंगे - Past Perfect Continuous Tense की अवधारणा, in Hindi (हिंदी में)

इस लेख में, हम Past Perfect Continuous Tense (पास्ट परफेक्ट कंटीन्यूअस टेन्स) की अवधारणा, इसके विभिन्न उपयोगों और इस tense का उपयोग करके बनाई जाने वाली विभिन्न वाक्य संरचनाओं के बारे में अध्ययन करने जा रहे हैं।

Past Perfect Continuous Tense के उपयोग

उपयोग 1

अतीत में एक निश्चित बिंदु से पहले शुरू हुई और उस समय तक जारी रही किसी गतिविधि के लिए हम Past Perfect Continuous Tense का उपयोग करते हैं।

At that time, she had been developing an app for three months.

I had been waiting for you since morning.

उपयोग 2

Past Perfect Continuous Tense का इस्तेमाल यह कहने के लिए किया जाता है कि कुछ होने से पहले, कुछ और चल रहा था।

When you joined the company in 2015, Mr. Anand had already been working here for four years.

We had been playing rugby for about an hour when it started to rain very heavily.


समय की अभिव्यक्ति (time expression) के साथ अतीत में चल रही कार्रवाई - हम Past Prefect Continuous tense का उपयोग करेंगे।
बाधित क्रिया (Interrupted action) – हम Simple Past Tense का प्रयोग करेंगे।

Mark has been living in Mumbai for 20 years when his parents came to meet him.

He has been teaching me for two hours when his father called him.

Past Perfect Continuous tense की विभिन्न वाक्य संरचनाएं

हम Past Perfect Continuous tense में निम्नलिखित सहायक क्रियाओं (helping verbs) का उपयोग करते हैं (subject के पुरुष और संख्या के आधार पर):

घोषणात्मक वाक्यों की संरचना (Structure of Declarative sentences)

सकारात्मक घोषणात्मक वाक्य (Affirmative Declarative Sentences)

पैटर्न: Subject + had + been + \(V_4\) + Object + for/since + time

Aanya had been playing badminton since 2015.
They had been playing badminton since 2015.

नकारात्मक घोषणात्मक वाक्य (Negative Declarative Sentences)

पैटर्न: Subject + had not + been + \(V_4\) + Object + for/since + time

Aanya had not been playing badminton since 2015.
They had not been playing badminton since 2015.


हम had not को hadn't भी लिख सकते हैं|

प्रश्नवाचक वाक्यों की संरचना (Structure of Interrogative sentences)

सकारात्मक प्रश्नवाचक वाक्य (Affirmative Interrogative Sentences)

पैटर्न 1: Had + Subject + been + \(V_4\) + Object + for/since + time?

Had Aanya been playing badminton since 2015?
Had they been playing badminton since 2015?

पैटर्न 2: Wh. family + had + Subject + been + \(V_4\) + Object + for/since + time?

Why had Aanya been playing badminton since 2015?
Why had they been playing badminton since 2015?

नकारात्मक प्रश्नवाचक वाक्य (Negative Interrogative Sentences)

पैटर्न 1: Had + Subject + not + been + \(V_4\) + Object + for/since + time?

Had Aanya not been playing badminton since 2015?
Had they not been playing badminton since 2015?

पैटर्न 2: Wh. family + had + Subject + not + been + \(V_4\) + Object + for/since + time?

Why had Aanya not been playing badminton since 2015?
Why had they not been playing badminton since 2015?

अतिरिक्त पुस्तकें और उपकरण

यदि आप किताबों के माध्यम से सीखना पसंद करते हैं, या संदर्भ उद्देश्यों के लिए कुछ अच्छी अंग्रेज़ी व्याकरण किताबें चाहते हैं, तो आप हमारा यह लेख पढ़ सकते हैं|
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